My Neighbor’s Faith: Stories of Interreligious

Encounter, Growth, and Transformation

Part III – Redrawing Our Maps


Sept. 30, 2024 | 11:15am PST

Study Prompts

This week our reading assignment is Part III of My Neighbor’s Faith.

  1. Which story in Part III resonated the most with you? What specific point or concept in that essay drew you in or spoke to you?
  2. Write a brief collect, inspired by the story you selected. A collect is a simple prayer that follows a format – you can use the form below to draft your prayer, or create a variation on it. For more ideas on the shape of collects, please take a look at the Collects created by St. Columba’s’ Noonday Prayer group on this site. It is easier than you may think!

Writing a Collect

  • “O God Who…” (name a quality or aspect of the Divine that you are calling about – Ie: “O God of loving-kindness” or, “O God who created all things…”)
  • “we ask…” (whatever it is you would like to happen – Ie: “we ask that you set your hand upon our shoulders…”)
  • “so that…” (the result you are looking for, IE: “so that we may better learn to love all of our neighbors, not just some.”
  • “in ___’s name we pray, Amen.” (IE: “in Jesus’ name we pray,” “In your name we pray,” etc.)

So the bullet point prompts above could be formed into a collect like this:

O God of loving-kindness; we ask that you set your hand upon our shoulders so that we may better learn to love all of our neighbors, not just some. In your holy name we pray, Amen.

Recorded Zoom Discussions

Please click on one of the links below to view this week’s video or that of a past discussion.

[Video of Session 0] passcode: =8Wc9?Jc

[Video of Session 2] passcode:  74!SMyAc




Before our first meeting, please read Peace, et al Part Three – Redrawing Our Maps.




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