Take This Bread: The Spiritual Memoir
of a Twenty-First Century Christian
by Sara Miles
Discussion 1 – Chapter 1
Jan. 27, 2025 | 11:30am PST
Welcome! Sara Miles’ Take This Bread was an influential and inspiring book for me during my discernment process; it speaks to each person’s spiritual journey and the places we are all called to as Jesus’ hands, feet, and voice in the world. Whatever the shape your own belief takes, we are all called upon to love, have compassion upon, and help our fellow human beings, especially those who are marginalized, oppressed, or living with less than their basic needs.
For Discussion
Please select one thing that stands out to you or draws you, from the Author’s Note, Prologue, or Chapter One.
A Note on Close-Reading
“Close Reading” is reading verbatim for detail and content – rather than skimming or reading for a general summary. I invite you to take your time reading through each week’s assignments; sit with what you’ve read, maybe pray or meditate on a phrase or concept that sticks with you, look at the study prompts ahead of time, and be present with it as much as time and circumstance allow.
You may want to have highlighters or a pen to mark in the book (if you have a hard copy) and/or set aside a notebook or journal to capture your thoughts on the reading and prompts for discussion with the group.
From Session 1
Information about St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church
St. Gregory’s Website link here
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by Mark Dukes
About Dance and Worship
Before our first meeting, please read Miles: Author’s Note, Prologue, and Chapter 1
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