Take This Bread: The Spiritual Memoir
of a Twenty-First Century Christian
by Sara Miles
Discussion 2 – Chapters 2-7
Feb 3, 2025 | new time! 12:30pm PST
Welcome to Week 2!
Thank you for being willing to start a little later – as noted above, the Feb. 3rd session will begin at 12:30pm.
For those who have access to Audible, Take This Bread is available as a free listen right now, and if you have the time, I highly recommend listening to it as well as reading. I put it on this morning while doing housework, starting from the Author’s Note even though I’d read far ahead; and much like in Lectio Divina, I heard and understood things as it was read aloud that hadn’t caught my attention when I read it for myself.
If you do not have an Audible account but want to give it a listen, this link might give you access, or I think I can “share” it with at least one person through my account, so please let me know.
For Discussion
From Take This Bread Reader’s Guide:
- The church Miles walked into is both similar to and different from other churches. What about worship at St. Gregory’s do you think had the biggest impact?
- Select one “bullet point” – a sentence, quote, or concept that jumped out to you or was particularly meaningful, in this week’s reading.
From Session 2
To be added after discussion
Before our next meeting, please read Miles: Chapters 2 through 7 (pp. 10-73)
St. Gregory of Nyssa WELCOME PAGE invitation
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