Take This Bread: The Spiritual Memoir

of a Twenty-First Century Christian

by Sara Miles


Discussion 2 – Chapters 2-7

 Feb 3, 2025 | new time! 12:30pm PST

Welcome to Week 2!

Thank you for being willing to start a little later – as noted above, the Feb. 3rd session will begin at 12:30pm.

For those who have access to Audible, Take This Bread is available as a free listen right now, and if you have the time, I highly recommend listening to it as well as reading. I put it on this morning while doing housework, starting from the Author’s Note even though I’d read far ahead; and much like in Lectio Divina, I heard and understood things as it was read aloud that hadn’t caught my attention when I read it for myself.

If you do not have an Audible account but want to give it a listen, this link might give you access, or I think I can “share” it with at least one person through my account, so please let me know.

For Discussion

From Take This Bread Reader’s Guide:

  1. The church Miles walked into is both similar to and different from other churches. What about worship at St. Gregory’s do you think had the biggest impact?
  2. Select one “bullet point” – a sentence, quote, or concept that jumped out to you or was particularly meaningful, in this week’s reading.


From Session 2

To be added after discussion


Before our next meeting, please read Miles: Chapters 2 through 7 (pp. 10-73)



St. Gregory of Nyssa WELCOME PAGE invitation



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