Take This Bread: The Spiritual Memoir
of a Twenty-First Century Christian
by Sara Miles
Discussion 3 – Chapters 8 – 13
Feb. 10, 2025 | 11:30am PST
Welcome to Week 3!
For Discussion
From the Take This Bread Readers’ Guide:
- Discuss Miles’ understanding of the rites of healing, marriage, baptism, and Eucharist.
- Do you think rites that take place outside of what she calls an “official” church context can be truly sacramental?
- Do you ever experience church outside of church? Have you experienced Eucharist outside of a church service?
From Session 2
- Lutheran pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber: Pastor Nadia started a church called House for All Sinners and Saints in Denver many years ago, as an alternative church community for people who didn’t feel comfortable in a church building for various reasons but wanted to deepen their faith. I’ve enjoyed her books and a lot of her preaching for many years. The “flavor” of her theology, preaching, and writing (and her use of language) is similar to Sara Miles.
- Ride Upon the Storm (originally titled Herrens Veje) is the series we discussed. It looks like Season Two was available at one time through Amazon Prime streaming, but it looks like it’s not currently available in the U.S.
Discussion Videos
I was able to update the Session One video (it was my error in copying); here are both so far:
[Session 1] [Session 2] [Session 3]
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Before our third meeting, please read Miles: Chapters 8 – 13 (pp. 74-140)
Past session pages are here:
“A Connemara Girl” by Kathleen Furey
I couldn’t find a depiction of St. Sandrine, but if I was depicting a “patron saint of goats,” I think I would choose this painting by Kathleen Furey.
Recommended Viewing:
Nadia Bolz-Weber: Blessed are the Unemployed, Unimpressive, and Underrepresented
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