BOOK STUDY: What If Jesus Was Serious… About Prayer?
A Visual Guide to the Spiritual Practice Most of Us Get Wrong
April 21st through May 12th, Fridays from 3:30 – 4:30pm
[Please click here to register]
About the Book
(Review via Amazon): “The great gift of Skye is to cut through the muddle of confused thinking around the subject of prayer and focus on the profoundly simple instruction Jesus offers. He combines deep theology with practical and accessible illustrations that are incredibly helpful in getting to the heart of what Jesus taught and modeled..”
– MIKE ERRE, Pastor, author, and host of the VOX Podcast
The book consists of seven parts:
0. Introduction
1. What Prayer Is (and Isn’t)
2. Keep it Simple (and Unceasing)
3. It’s Off to Work (with God) We Go
4. Learning to Pray (Like Jesus)
5. The Truth (& Nothing But the Truth) So help Me God
6. Prayer Changes (How You See) the World
Each part has several chapters, each beginning with the refrain: “If Jesus Was Serious…” and ending with suggestions for further scriptural reading
About the Group
We will meet weekly to discuss what we have read and may use email and online media to further the conversation. All are invited to join in reading along with the group, even if you are not able to attend all or some of the Zoom discussions. Please sign up so we know who is reading along!