Collects from St. Columba’s

A collect (COL-lect) is a short, structured prayer intended to ask God “for one thing only” by collecting elements and ideas into a single theme. These collects were written during the St. Columba’s Church Wednesday Noonday Prayer services (unless otherwise noted) online via Zoom. They were originally titled Quarantine Collects as they began during the world-wide Covid-19 pandemic shelter-in-place.

Refuge in War-Torn Areas (9/25/24)

O God our refuge; inspire us and lend courage to those who seek to provide true refuge – shelter, safety, comfort – for your children in war-torn areas throughout the world. In your name we pray, Amen.


To Bear Good Fruit (9/11/24)

Shine your light O Lord our God

Lest we loose our arrow in the dark.
Let our goal be clear
So that we go and bear good fruit.
In your name we pray, Amen.

Our Neighbors (7/3/24)

God of love and compassion: We ask to have eyes to see and hearts to understand the plight of our neighbors – especially those who are homeless, hungry, or without enough – so that we may recognize their worth, respond to their distress, and bring you to them in their need. In your name we pray. Amen.

Love, Mercy, & Justice (5/22/24)

O God, with whom we endeavor to always be in relationship; help us to love, show mercy, and do justice among your people while we walk with You; especially those who must live with the devastation of war and violence.

In your name we pray, Amen.

Light of Peace (4/10/24)

O God who created light in the darkness;

we ask that your Wisdom fill our hearts and minds

so that the light of peace eclipses the darkness of conflict and war.

In your name we pray, Amen.

Open Us (2/28/24)

O God who speaks in silence,

we ask that you open our inner eyes and ears,

so that we may hear you within our hearts.

In your name we pray, Amen.

Peace and Justice for the New Year (1/3/24)

O God, to whom all are holy: In this new year, help us to know which challenges are ours to meet and which we need to leave to you, so that peace and justice may prevail on this earth. In your name we pray, Amen.

Peace to a War-Torn World (11/15/23)

O God who knows all: We ask for your strength and wisdom, to inspire us to bring your peace to a war-torn world. In your name we pray, Amen.

Light of Peace (10/11/23)

O God who loves all of your children; we ask that you wrap the earth in the light of peace, so that the horrors of war may cease.

In your name we pray, Amen.

Courage and Confidence (8/2/23)

O God who comforts us in the dark; enable us to be courageous and confident so that we will be bold enough to spread your light and comfort to others. In your name we pray, amen.

Before Anything Else (7/5/23)

O Lord who always watches over us: we ask, before anything else in the morning, that you bring us your salvation and peace so that we may praise your name until the evening comes. God is great! Amen.

Through Conflict, Violence and War (5/10/23)

O God of wisdom and understanding, help us to remember those who are victims of violence, conflict, and war, so that we do not forget them, and bring Your Love to their needs and suffering. In your name we pray. Amen.

In Wind and Rain (3/22/23)

O God who sends the winds and the rain, we ask for a little more sunshine in the midst of it so that the trees may flower and make fruit, and the fields be tilled to feed your people and creatures abundantly. in your name we pray, Amen.

Healing Through Nature (1/18/23)

O God who made the Alders and the Redwoods strong and healthy, we ask for the healing energy of nature, so that all of your creation may be enjoyed. In your name we pray, Amen.

Be Our Vision (9/21/22)

O God who lifts up the poor, we ask that you be our vision so that our hearts are filled with generosity and compassion.

In your name we pray, amen.

Spirit of the Law (8/24/22)

O God who heals our inner being; we ask that you touch our hearts with compassion so that we remember the spirit of your law – which is Love – and keep sight of your purpose. In your Name we pray, amen.

Awaken and Move Us (6/15/22)

O God, who roars like a fiery lion; we ask for your voice to awaken and move us, and the Holy Wisdom of Sophia to guide us, so that we actively show to the world what you speak in our hearts. In your name we pray. Amen.

For God’s Comfort and Strength (5/4/22)

O God our Shepherd, we ask your comforting presence and strength so that we may set aside striving and worry to relax in your green pastures with still, plentiful water. In your name we pray, Amen.

Being Fully Present (3/23/22)

O God of abundance, who alone knows the numbers of our days, we ask for patience, trust, and understanding, so that we can be fully present in the now of your beloved community. In your name we pray. Amen.

To Act on Injustice (1/12/22 Sacred Ground)

O wise, loving, and compassionate God who is active in every person’s life; we ask that our hearts be enlightened so that when we encounter the wounds of racism, we listen more deeply, speak up, and embody the justice of Christ. In your Name we pray, Amen.

For Compassion to Heal the World (12/29/21)

O God whose compassion created all things: We ask for better knowledge of your way in the world, that we may reflect that compassion in our lives, so our troubled world will be healed and suffering relieved.


In your Name we pray, Amen.

An Advent Collect for Calm, Hope, and Comfort (11/24/21)

O God who is both ever-present and waiting to be born;

we seek your grace and ask that you bring

silence and calm to the frantic noise of the season

so that we can know, feel, and express your love

and give hope and comfort to those

among us who are powerless and lonely. In your Name we pray, Amen.

For Patience, Compassion and Presence (10/6/21)

O God who walks with us even in the darkness of night; we ask for patience and compassion, and to feel your presence with us in this dark time of pandemic and political division, so that we may all join together in the safety of your Spirit; In your Name we pray, Amen.

For Right Action Against Pandemics (8/4/21)

O God our provider, we ask you to free us from the behaviors and conditions we allow which cause pandemics to arise, so that we may live healthier lives, keep each other safe, and exhibit deeper love for one another and for you; in your Name we pray, Amen.

For Patience and Faith (6/30/21)

O God who casts out our personal demons, frees us from doubts, and restores us to hope; we ask for your patience, even when we are hard to put up with, so that our faith and our patience may grow day by day; in Your name we pray, Amen.

To Illuminate Hidden Things (6/2/21)

O God who both keeps all things hidden and makes them known when we are ready to listen; help us to patiently prepare ourselves, discern your voice, and understand; so that we may fulfill your will with clarity and compassion. 

In Your Name we pray, Amen.

To Hear God’s Voice (5/12/21)

O God who speaks to us from the center of the universe

and is ever-present with us;

help us to listen and hear your voice,

so that we may live out your love in the world.

In your Name we pray, Amen.

To Reflect God’s Love (4/14/21)

O living God who is ever-present among us,

help us to see light even in the shadows

and reflect the radiance of your Love 

so that we may be a light to others 

as we all travel the Way home to You.

In your name we pray, Amen.

For Racial Justice and Unity (1/27/21 Sacred Ground)

O God Who created everything in your own image – from snails to supernovas – we ask that you fill us with courage, humility and grace to do your work in the world, unite us in bonds of love and respect, dissolve all illusions that we are separate, help us to recognize you as our common source & realize that all of us share responsibility for this fragile creation so that we may strive to become the Beloved Community you intended, working for justice, peace, reconciliation and truth; in your Name we pray. Amen

For Wisdom at the Crossroads (1/27/21)

O God who created Wisdom in the beginning to stand with us; at this current crossroad we ask understanding, patience and courage for all peoples of our world, especially those who lead us, so that our planet may be healed through your grace which flows through each of us;​ ​in your Name we pray, Amen.

For a Troubled World (11/18/20)

O Lord who is our merciful, kind and loving stronghold; we ask for your intervening grace, compassion, and guidance in order to achieve unity and find peace and calm in a troubled world;​ ​in your Name we pray, Amen.

For Home and Unity (9/16/20)

O God who brought your people out of Egypt and into a place of safety, we ask for your guidance and love now, during this time of trial, so that we may find our home and an ability to live together in unity. In your name we pray, Amen.

For Growth in Truth (7/29/20)

O God who is Love, and has given us a great wealth of words to express this Love; we ask your guidance and wisdom in this troubling time when the Truth is not easily discerned; so that our love, faith and compassion may grow and spread, even as a mustard seed. In Your Name we pray, amen.

For Balance (7/08/20)

O Creator God, you are the potter who shaped us from the beginning; form us into a vessel that holds compassion, generosity, love, selflessness, and courage so that we can bring balance back to our Mother Earth and all her creatures. In your name we pray. Amen.

For Justice (6/3/2020) 

O God, who sent his son to teach us mercy, love, and justice; break open our hearts and fill them with compassion and wisdom while we navigate these two pandemics of the body and the soul; bring us healing and enable us to see and treat everyone as children of God. In your name we pray. Amen.

For Wisdom (5/19/2020) 

O God who had Wisdom by your side as you created the world; we ask your guidance for ourselves and all leaders, that you send wisdom to us and them during the re-creation of our post-pandemic world, so that your people will be kind, just and compassionate, and the world will become the Eden you created in the beginning.

In Your Name we pray, Amen.

For Compassion (4/29/2020) 

O God, who is compassionate and cares for the whole world; 

we ask that all people on earth learn to be more compassionate to each other’s needs, so that the world can be more united, more loving, more caring and healed. 

In Your Name we pray. Amen.

A Collection of Collects (2018) 

This pocket-sized prayer book is a compilation of collects written by an Education for Ministry (EfM) group that Deacon Ari co-facilitated at St. Clement’s Episcopal Church in Berkeley, CA. Edited by Ari Wolfe, book design by Mark Anderson/Boilerplate Creative.
Originally published for our group, it is available for purchase on Amazon (at cost).


O God whose grace flows like a river: we ask for your guidance around the rocks we find in our path, so that we may rest in your peace. In Your Name we pray. Amen.