In 2020 and 2021, St. Columba’s Episcopal Church hosted the 21-Day Racial Justice Forum, using Dr. Eddie Moore Jr’s 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge as the course framework. If you would like to check out some of what we did or begin the process yourself, please do!


Beginning the Work:

In preparation for the Racial Justice Forum, you might want to take a look at one or more of the links below. Information is from Dr. Moore’s resources page, unless otherwise noted. There are also many additional resources that were gathered during our first course, on the Racial Justice Resources page. Here are some suggested starting points:


  • Why “I’m not racist” is only half the story, Robin DiAngelo explains the function of white fragility in maintaining racial hierarchy. (video, 7 minutes)
  • White Bred, Excellent quick intro to how white supremacy shapes white lives and perception. (video, 5 minutes)
  • Racism is Real, A split-screen video depicting the differential in the white and black lived experience. (video, 3 minutes)
  • How to be an Anti-racist; Dr. Ibram X. Kendi speaking at UC Berkeley. Watching even a portion or a piece at a time may be helpful. (video, 2 hrs. – added)


Racial Justice Resources

Click here for additional resources to continue the daily habit of anti-racism. Share them with friends, family, or strangers you meet along the way!