The Heart of Christianity

Discussion 1 – Preface and Introductions


Nov. 27, 2023 | 11:00am PST

Welcome! Marcus Borg’s The Heart of Christianity was a life-changing book for me; as someone raised on non-Christian spiritual paths and practices, it helped me to understand what being a Christian in today’s world really meant. It created a bridge for me from the place of faith where I was, to a deeper understanding and love for Jesus’ teachings that led to my baptism and confirmation in the Episcopal Church. It is my hope that Dr. Borg’s words will help to deepen your faith and understanding, wherever you are on your own journey.


A Note on Close-Reading

“Close Reading” is reading verbatim for detail and content – rather than skimming or reading for a general summary. I invite you to take your time reading through each week’s assignments; sit with what you’ve read, maybe meditate or pray on a phrase or concept that sticks with you, look at the study prompts ahead of time, and be present with it as much as time and circumstance allow.

You may want to have highlighters or a pen to mark in the book (if you have a hard copy) and/or set aside a notebook or journal to capture your thoughts on the reading and prompts for discussion with the group.

Other Discussions

Click on the link below to view this week’s discussion video on The Heart of Christianity

[Video of Discussion 1

Passcode: p.P4fL2U



Before our first meeting, please read Borg Preface and Chapter 1 



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