The Heart of Christianity

Discussion 6 – Chapters 7 & 8


Jan. 8, 2024 | 11:00am PST

I apologize for getting this guide up late! In preparation for our sixth session, please read chapters 7 (The Kingdom/ Heart of Justice) & 8 (Thin Places & Opening the Heart).


Study Prompts

  1. Please pick a bullet point (a sentence or phrase that interests, provokes, calls to you or stands out) from either chapter 7 or 8 to share with the group.
  2. Have you experienced a thin place – a place or experience where your heart was opened to the Divine?
  3. If you already knew about thin places before reading this book, what did you learn that was different or added to your knowledge?


Click on the link below to view last week’s discussion video on The Heart of Christianity

[Session 5 video]

Passcode: i$SGu79W




Before our next meeting, please read Borg Chapters 7 & 8 (pages 126-163)



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