The Heart of Christianity

Discussion 7 – Chapters 9, 10 & 11


Jan. 8, 2024 | 11:00am PST

In preparation for our 7th session, please read chapters 9 (Sin & Salvation/ Transforming the Heart), 10 (The Heart of the Matter/ Practice), and 11 (Heart & Home/ Being Christian in an age of pluralism).


Study Prompts

  1. In the author’s assertions about “sin” and “salvation” (in Ch. 9), were there any points he made that you strongly did or did not agree with?
  2. After reading Chapter 10, please pick one of your own spiritual practices to share with the group
  3. Pick one point from anywhere in the book that you feel will help you or be a touchstone as you move forward on your path.

Shared Wisdom

Links & information offered by your classmates during discussion this week

From Deacon Judith

  • Link to a conversation on a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas conflict, with progressive Zionist Rabbi David Cooper, (Twin Towers United Methodist Church on Jan. 17, 2024).
  • In a class at Pendle Hill Quaker Center in 1993 with Rabbi Marsha Prager, she talked about the Lord’s Prayer and the phrase with the bread in her lecture, and she said, “It’s interesting that bread and war have the same root. Just different connotations of uprising or leavening. We are aware that when there is a shortage or unequal access to lechem, bread, that mi l c h a m e h, conflict, is the result.”

From Terrey Schweitzer



Click on the link below to view last week’s discussion video on The Heart of Christianity

[Session 6 discussion]

Passcode: 5j++vuDV




Before our next meeting, please read Borg Chapters 9, 10 & 11 (pages 164 – 225)



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