BOOK STUDY: What If Jesus Was Serious?

A Visual Guide to the Teachings of Jesus We Love to Ignore


February 10th through March 3rd, Fridays from 3:30 – 4:30pm


[Please click here to register]


About the Book

(from a GoodReads review): The premise of Skye Jethani’s book, What If Jesus Was Serious, is simple: WHAT WOULD THE CHRISTIAN LIFE BE LIKE IF PEOPLE TOOK JESUS’ SERMON ON THE MOUNT SERIOUSLY. If you don’t find that a scary thought, perhaps you haven’t read the Sermon on the Mount lately.


The book consists of nine parts:


  1. Who is Really Blessed?
  2. Christians and Culture
  3. Inside Out Righteousness
  4. Love In Action
  5. A Prayer for Losers
  6. Freedom from Fear
  7. Judging, Asking, Blessing
  8. Good and Bad Fruit
  9. Be Smart
Each part has several chapters…each beginning with the refrain: If Jesus Was Serious…


(from an Amazon review): “Skye Jethani takes a look at some of Jesus’ most demanding teachings in the Sermon on the Mount and pushes us to ask whether we’re really hearing what Christ is saying. The visual component of the book makes it memorable and enjoyable to read, and Skye’s incisive reflections make it worthwhile for any Christian.”


About the Group

We will meet weekly to discuss what we have read and may use email and online media to further the conversation. All are invited to join in reading along with the group, even if you are not able to attend all or some of the Zoom discussions. Please sign up so we know who is reading along!


Please get a copy of the book and read the Introduction and Part One if possible prior to our first meeting.